Via S.S. Trinità, 3 Chiari (BS)

Blockchain Solution for transparency and rewards in the value chain Molecular is built to win the challenge of tracking efficiently a supply chain. Molecular guarantees rewards to node managers (ProofOfStake) encouraging them to participate in a tangible change and in an economic ecosystem that guarantees real and measurable advantages. get started

Campaign Goals :

€ 250.000,00

Equivalents of OTI coin

€ 20.000.000

Equivalents of OTI coin


€ 20M.


Soft Cap € 4M.


Token Sale Ends In:



Why Choosing Molecular and OTI Coin?

Cryptocurrency is censorship-resistant global sound money. So being able to pay someone on the other side of the world with no one being [able] to block you has tremendous value.” According to Lee, “once you have your money stored in crypto, it’s important to be able to spend it everywhere.”
Creator of Litecoin, Charlie Lee
OTI is the new cryptocurrency chosen by 1TrueId and P.E.A.S. to rewards people that reaching or sharing the 17 SDG goals in fashion world

Molecular is built to win the challenge of tracking efficiently a supply chain:
Proof of stake consensus algorithm and low footprint devices make transaction fees lower than any other public blockchain
Molecular technology permits to reach over 10000 transactions at second
Microtransactions are executed near immediately at negligible cost

With a low energy and low resources requirements to run a full node, everyone can be a Molecular node.
With Molecular box, everyone can be a Molecular node without using own PC or Mac. It is an optimized ARM device to be connected to the Internet and consumes only 5 Watt.
Proof Of Stake algorithm rewards any staker that run a full node up to 5% at year for every OTI present in the node.
Fast, efficient, economic, scalable, open, profitable.

Tokens Sale

Structure & Phases OTI Coin Fundraising Goals

€ 20,000,000

Target On Crowdsale

€ 4,000,000

Soft Cap


Total Token Supply


Token Type
(atomic swap 1:1 to OTI)


Purchase Methods

Token Distribution

  • 800.000.000 IEO
  • 40.000.000 Advisors
  • 160.000.000 Core Team
  • 320.000.000 Company Reserve
  • 60.000.000 Growth
  • 60.000.000 Content Acquisition
  • 400.000.000 Private Sale
  • 160.000.000 Exchange

Use Of Funds

  • 20% Architecture Development
  • 20% Events & Summit
  • 5% Advisor
  • 40% Marketing
  • 5% Rapsberry Production
  • 5% Legal
  • 3% Office

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We know that sustainability is a long-term force for change and a driver to integrate ESG across our investment solutions, actively engage with companies, and work on real impact. By diving deeper to understand dynamics and impact, our comprehensive sustainable approach leads to better-informed investment decisions. Creating better returns – and looking after the world we live in.

Our News & Insights

The private sale of the OTI to finance the development of the molecular is underway.
Joining the project at this stage provides for special conditions in terms of bonuses that we prefer to illustrate and deal with directly. If you are interested fill in the form and you will be contacted by a team member.

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