Via S.S. Trinità, 3 Chiari (BS)

Privacy Policy


1trueid srl is committed to the protection of personal data that is entrusted to it. Therefore, their management and security are guaranteed with the utmost attention, in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data (hereinafter “GDPR”).

This information shows for what purposes we may collect your data, how it is managed, to whom it may be disclosed and what your rights are.

What data do we collect?

Those who visit the site can perform many activities without providing any personal information. However, when users register on the site to request information on the Company’s services and products, they must collect the following personal information from users:

  • Contact information, such as: name, surname, telephone number, city and email address.

In addition, we can collect:

  • Contact information for customers, such as: name, surname, customer number, company name / contract holder, telephone number, city and email address;
  • Information for the recruiting of candidates, such as: name, surname, date of birth, telephone number, residence, domicile, email address, curriculum vitae;
  • Cookies and similar technologies to: measure and analyze the use and effectiveness of our services, customize and optimize the targeting of advertising for our services on other websites and platforms, provide location services if you choose to share your location.

For more information about the cookies we use, please read our Cookie Policy.

Why do we collect your data?

1trueid srl will use your data exclusively for the following purposes:

  1. Management of the contractual relationship The data will be processed in relation to contractual requirements and the consequent fulfillment of legal and tax obligations, as well as to allow effective management of contractual, financial and commercial relationships. The data will be processed for the entire duration of the contractual relationship, and also subsequently, for the fulfillment of legal obligations and for administrative and commercial purposes.
  2. Marketing In case of your express consent, the data will be processed for direct marketing activities, market research, statistical analysis, newsletter, sending of advertising / information / promotional material both with automated contact methods (e-mail, sms …) and traditional ( telephone, paper mail …);
  3. Profiling In case of your express consent, the data will be processed for profiling purposes, in particular for the creation of a commercial profile and / or to personalize and optimize our services based on your preferences, also through the crossing of such personal data. with other information collected through the profiling cookies you accept.

It follows that the provision of personal data is mandatory for the purposes indicated in point 1.
Purposes 2 and 3 do not derive from a legal obligation and the granting of the relative consents is optional.
Any partial or total failure to provide data will result in the partial or total impossibility of achieving the aforementioned purposes.
The extent and adequacy of the data provided will be assessed from time to time, in order to determine the consequent decisions and avoid the processing of data exceeding the purposes pursued.
We will not use your personal data for purposes other than those described in this statement, other than by informing you beforehand and, where necessary, obtaining your consent.

Legal basis of the treatment

The legal basis for the collection and use of your personal information as described above will depend on the specific context in which we collect it.
The main reason why we collect and use your personal information lies in the management of the contract and in the correct provision of the services. However, we will also use your personal information when it falls within our legitimate commercial interest. In some cases, we may have a legal obligation to collect personal data (for example in the case of a legal proceeding) or we may have to process or share it with other subjects to safeguard your interests and those of third parties.

How do we use your information?

The personal information you provide will be treated in compliance with the GDPR and the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and confidentiality which inspire the Company’s activity. Data processing can be carried out both through the use of archives and paper supports, and through the use of digital media and electronic tools, in compliance with the security measures provided for by current European legislation.

Data retention

Your personal data will be stored, starting from their receipt / update, for a maximum period of 10 years (unless otherwise provided by law which provides for longer periods), after which they will be deleted or made anonymous.

Who do we share personal information with?

Your personal information will not be “disseminated” by us; by this term we mean giving knowledge to indeterminate subjects in any way, including by making them available or consultation. The data may instead be “communicated” by us; by this term we mean giving knowledge to one or more specific subjects, in the following terms:

  • to subjects appointed within our company to process the data, and in particular to the commercial, administrative and HR area;
  • to subjects who can access the data by virtue of a provision of law, regulation or community legislation, within the limits set by these rules;
  • to subjects who need to access the data for purposes auxiliary to the relationship that exists, within the limits strictly necessary to carry out the auxiliary tasks entrusted to them (for example: credit institutions, shippers, etc.);
  • to our consultants, within the limits necessary to carry out their assignment at our Company, following our assignment letter that imposes on them the duty of confidentiality and security in the processing of data;
  • other foreign subjects (not belonging to the European Community) as auxiliary third parties to our collaborators only for the purposes of processing and processing administrative and accounting data.

A complete and updated list of the external companies / consultants to whom we communicate your data may be requested directly from the references indicated in the section “ Who will process your data? “.

What are your rights?

At any time, you will have the right to ask for:

  • access to personal data;
  • their origin;
  • the logic, methods and purposes of the treatment;
  • updating, rectification, integration, cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those no longer necessary for the pursuit of the purposes for which they were collected;
  • the limitation or opposition to the processing of data concerning you;
  • the right to their portability, i.e. to receive the personal data you provide in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format;
  • a complaint to the Supervisory Authority (Privacy Guarantor) on data protection regarding the collection and use of your personal information.
  • the revocation of your consent after giving it. The latter does not affect the legality of the processing carried out, nor does it affect the processing of your personal information conducted in relation to other legitimate processing bases other than consent.

The company will take care of your request with the utmost commitment to guarantee the effective exercise of your rights.